Although people may casually call someone who is self-centered a “narcissist”, narcissism is actually a diagnosable personality disorder.
Read MoreMy Kids Reflect My Parenting, My Kids Come First, Self-Care is Selfish, and The Perfect Mother Exists – And It’s Not Me! Read as we myth-bust these statements about motherhood.
Read MoreIn a physical fight, there are rules in place to prevent dirty fighting. But have you ever thought about what the rules might be for fights in a relationship? What are the rules when you have a fight with friends or family?
Read MoreAccording to Romans 12:15-21 (NIV), we are called to put our love into action by practicing empathy towards each other. As a parent this may lead you to wonder the best way to teach your children empathy.
Read MoreHave you ever watched your child or grandchild have a melt down over a minor issue, like dropping a lollipop? This is a perfect example of a child’s lack of perspective or self-regulation.
Read MoreAre you concerned about your children’s social, emotional and spiritual development? Do you want your children to become healthy, emotionally stable and spiritually mature adults?
Read MoreHave you ever been caught off guard by a question? Most likely you’d say yes and can even recall the process of mentally stumbling to find some sort of reasonable answer. Now imagine that the question is “Can I like girls and boys?” and it’s being asked by your child.
Read MoreIt’s easy from someone to tell us “Don’t panic!”, but choosing not to panic may not be so easy. A little fear, anxiety or increased alarm is a warranted response to genuine danger or stressful situations.
Read MoreBefore the pandemic, 1 in 5 adults in the United States struggled with a mental illness. Of those facing a mental illness, half will not receive treatment. Considering this statistic is prior to the pandemic, these numbers may have even worsened in the past year.
Read MoreThis weekend many of us will celebrate Valentine's Day. While this holiday can bring positive and negative feelings, we hope that this article will help you connect to a greater understanding of choosing love.
Read MoreWhy should we consider practicing spiritual habits like Bible reading, prayer, and attending church? Because what we do regularly to connect with God can be a healthy habit that enhances our mental health.
Read MoreIt’s still January, and many people are continuing to push through to develop new habits and keep resolutions. Food and diet resolutions are common for weight management, but food habits are also important for mental health management.
Read MoreHello - I’m Leigh. Being the Executive Director of Wellspring has brought me an unexpected benefit. I joined Wellspring in 2017. I am not a clinical mental health professional.
Read MorePeople generally come to therapy because of mental or relational distress. But interestingly, since the body and mind are so intricately connected, sometimes a first route for healing is through the physical realm in order to improve mental or relational distress.
Read MoreMany of us entered into 2021 with hope that it would be a new page and a fresh start from the troubles that came in 2020. We have made it less than 10 days into this new year and our news feeds are filled with unrest and political turmoil.
Read MoreIt’s the new year, and as we happily say farewell to 2020, this is a time for new starts and new goals. This month, our Wellspring articles will address how to change our habits in order to succeed with our goals.
Read MoreIt’s the most wonderful time of the year, but many of us won’t be able to go caroling or have a big Christmas party as we expected. However, that doesn’t mean that we can’t have powerful moments with each other while prioritizing the health of our loved ones.
Read MoreAccording to the attachment theory, the two most important needs that infants have, are the same needs that adults have: Accessibility and Responsiveness.1
Read MoreThe Christmas season is finally here, providing some much-needed joy and reprieve from the difficult year we’ve all had so far. ‘Tis the season to be jolly, and in this article, we want to give you some tips on how to have the jolliest holiday season possible.
Read More2020 - the year of Covid-19, political animosity, economic suffering and racial tension - has taken a large toll on the nation’s mental health. In a study conducted in June by the CDC, 11% of respondents reported having seriously considered suicide in the 30 days before completing the survey!
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